
Marked: Called by the Savior #3

Marked: Called by the Savior

Rob ThomasAugust 11, 2024Discipleship

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In today's message, Pastor Rob emphasized the brokenness of the world and the inherent sinfulness of humanity, highlighting that a life without Christ is fundamentally flawed and marked by selfishness and sin. He illustrated this through various examples, including societal issues like violence, crime, and political distrust, as well as personal struggles such as addiction and insecurity. He stressed that true transformation comes only through Jesus Christ, who offers a new identity and a new way of living for those who choose to follow Him. He explained that accepting Christ means throwing off the old self and embracing a new life marked by peace, joy, and purpose. Finally, he underscored the necessity of recognizing our need for a Savior, urging everyone to make a conscious decision to follow Jesus and experience the profound change He brings.

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Sermons in Marked: Called by the Savior

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